You HATE moving around. You Think Being a Super Parent is Already Enough Exercise – Coach Sharm

You HATE moving around. You Think Being a Super Parent is Already Enough Exercise

You know that cardio helps you lose fat, so you tried it but you realise:

👉 It's easily becoming one of your least favourite things to do
👉 It takes a lot of your precious time
👉 It's not something you can do consistently since your family is your priority
👉 It doesn't bring you results
👉 It's boring as hell so why would you do it in the first place?

If these are your realizations, let me tell you THREE things:
One: You're not doing it right.
Two: You've not done it long enough.
Three: You're only doing cardio.

It's correct to want to lose weight. But Wanting Badly to be there for your FAM will effectively make you lose weight.

What causes you to hate moving around is the thing I want to destroy.

Demanding work: taking away your weekends which is supposed to be for your family.
Traffic, Household chores, Bills, Social Gatherings where you're EXPECTED to eat a lot, if not you'll be outcasted, TOXIC PEOPLE.

These are just some of the common reasons that contribute to your gaining weight.

I will be able to give you a tested and proven framework. A step-by-step routine that not only involves cardio. I'll help you stick to that routine, so that you can be a good role model for your kids, be really there for them as they are growing up.

So to START, it only takes 10 minutes a day for 5 days a week for you to get rid of those extra inches around your belly.

Keeping a routine (not only doing cardio) not only keeps your body in shape and allows you to lose those fats, it also helps in making your mood better and making you feel happier. These are positive energies that you want to radiate to your kids, not feelings of self-pity, exhaustion, and making them worry about your health. 

I have created 4-day Challenge for parents like you. It’s free. As a Singapore personal trainer, I have been coaching busy people.
​So hop over to the next page, and learn the methods how my parent clients are using 10 Minutes a day to help themselves - to embark on their journey to a flatter belly, higher energy, and confidence levels.

If you enter your details below and join the challenge, you’ll start to move from being upset, depressed and frustrated of their big stomachs to being happy, excited and proud of your strong body.

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