Science-Based Knowledge

Accelerated Fat Loss Program 2.0 #csMentorship

9 Modules 12 Chapters 70 Lessons None

About this course

Be empowered with the ability to lose bodyfat based on Science, The 3 Ms! Menu (Nutrition), Movement (Activity/Exercise) and Mindset (Mental Skills). Learn how to lose many inches around your waist and lower bodyfat permanently without the need to deprive yourself of your favourite food and spend countless hours in the gym. Attain a smaller waist size and fitter body. This program consists of knowledge that can be easily transferred to action and motivation. 

Just like with my personal training clients, I'm confident our relationship will be long term.  I look forward to sharing with you the 'secrets' to better health and leaner body. 

Click here to sign up for access.

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Course Structure

5 Lessons


Here's our free section for you -feel free to learn and implement some of these strategies to help you lose fat quickly. Do things in stride, strive for 5% improvement per week and you'll see results (flat tummy, fit body) that will last forever!

Note: The freemium lessons here are not listed in any order. You may also notice some are from my social media accounts - it's meant to be shared and free.

99% content in the paid section of #csMentorship cannot be found elsewhere except here (minus the supplementary content). 

How to eat and lose weight?

Nearly everyone we meet will tell us that the only way to lose weight is to eat less, exercise more? But why is it so difficult and why are so many not losing unhealthy weight? See how one of my clients do it successfully and how you can do it too.

Why diets don't work?

Have you been tried 'dieting', seen some success in fat loss but the weight comes back up again? Watch this to learn how to breakaway from the norm and get control over your cravings.

Kindly share. Crazy fad diets that result in super fast weight loss are just that, crazy. These diets don't last. Your weight loss won't last. Learn the guidelines of how much weight to lose, how to reduce water retention and identify problems & solutions to losing fat, in this one-ish minute video. We go in depth, in layman terms in #csMentorship.

Why is sugar extremely ‘dangerous’ for fat loss?

That, and what can you do to stop consuming it? It's a simple advice, but extremely important if we want to be successful in weaning off sugar. 

My Fitness Pal – How to Set It Up?

There are so many tools out there to help us lose weight. We can use this app to help us track our macros and calories. With just 3 days of tracking, we will be able to learn what to change and tweak to lose lots of bodyfat! Here's what you should do after installing it.

Rest Based Training

Here’s a secret to success in enjoying your workouts. A new system and psychology for safe and effective exercise. RBT is a system that makes rest, not work, the primary goal of the workout. It allows participants to take a rest for as long as necessary. Rest actually becomes a tool for increasing intensity, because exercisers can strategically use it to work harder than they could without rest. It also provides a buffer against overexertion, making even high-intensity workouts safe (Warburton et al. 2005).

2 Lessons


Everything here is all you need to transform your body. Simple, progressive. There's a lot of 'noise' out there in the internet and I've cancelled out the noise for you - everything here is evidence based, and have worked for many of my clients. Congratulations and well done (because this is the most important part of your journey - knowledge) for completing this task. You're on your way to permanent fat loss! Let's get started.

Foundation Section

Get started progressively by building the best foundations and habits right from the start! Here we lay down the gameplan and build solid foundations to ensure that we stay on track throughout our fat loss journey.


Your Success Map

Every destination needs a roadmap if we want to reach there safely and quickly. Here's your roadmap to success, based on one-step-at-a-time progression.

3 Chapters

MINDSET - Control Your Mind to Control Your Body

Losing bodyfat is biochemical. But what controls the workings of our body (and mouth!) is our brain. A strong and smart mind will ensure that we will be able to control our cravings, program our mind to eat healthy food and desire to workout (instead of being sedentary). It's all in the mind. Start here and you'll see yourself struggle less and thriving in your weight loss journey.

Method L – Always be on Experimentation Mode / Cycle of change 4 Lessons

Cycle Of Change

Learn and apply the processes and stages to a great and happy fat loss program that inspires you to constantly make positive changes to your body that propels you to take action. Study how to set up simple and fun experiments that give you energy and keeps you feel satiated every day.

Journaling, Dashboard and Tools

Here's the tools that you need to keep you on track of your airplane to fat loss, captain!

Big Picture Planner

Here are some ways we can use our 'wall calendar' to help us keep our Vision in sight all the time while planning and making changes to our quarterly objectives, tasks and pace. Having a weekly goal section in an annual planner also keeps us tightly on track.

Note: This is a supplementary section to the course.

Strengthen your mindset with these strategies

Learn 10 different things that you can do to create a superb mindset and strong willpower from this quick infographic.

Method N – Results-Excuses Principle 2 Lessons

2-Outcome Principle

Everything that we do - will either bring us towards results, or they're just plain excuses. Excuses are barriers that stop you from attaining a leaner body. In this video, learn how we can program our brain so that it keeps finding solutions and cancelling out excuses so that we can get results all the time.

Volition & Can Do Attitude!

Volition. Will. Can Do Attitude. What you MUST have if you want to have a leaner and fitter body. We may have the knowledge and motivation to burn off all the unnecessary weight in our body but if we don't have this, chances are, we'll fail. Learn how to cultivate this positive attitude to help you attain your goals easily.

Note: This is a supplementary section to the course.

Method M – Progression Principle Everyday 2 Lessons

Progression (And Regression)

Rome wasn't built in a day. It took them a more than a million days! Similarly, we should not rush, but take small, deliberate steps to make it happen. We want long term changes. Any drastic changes may not be sustainable and sometimes, can be dangerous for our body.


Regression is necessary at times. You're allowed to :) Life is not always about moving forward. Sometimes we fall. Sometimes we slack. Learn how to 'slack' smartly while still inching forward.

4 Chapters

NUTRITION - Be Smart, Not Deprived

Learn cutting edge 3 super simple methods of eating that will tweak your hormones that unlocks fat burning without the need to exercise! Cutting edge because it's not your regular health promotion board's recommendations but based on current studies that are much progressive in approach to nutrition. 

Nutrition Strategies 1 Lesson

3 simple, progressive strategies that will help you lose bodyfat.

Everyone responds differently to varying degrees when it comes to different 'diets'. Learn 3 basic yet very powerful ways when it comes to putting food in your system - you can choose to do one, two or even all three at once.

Method A - Turn On Fat As Fuel 2 Lessons

Start burning fat this way.

More than 100 scientific studies show that the timing when consume our food will determine whether the fat in our body gets used as energy (fat loss). This is possibly the easiest, least effort needed way to burn fat. 

Get deeper into the fat burning zone while you’re resting and working out.

Perform habits that unlocks stored tummy fat to start burning at an insane rate with this simple, yet progressive method. 

Method B – Modify Your Macros To Increase Fat Loss & Reduce Sugar 4 Lessons

Make 5% change to your food type intake to see 80% change in your body.

Food that you put into your body is information. Food tells your body to burn fat, build metabolism or to store fat. Learn how you can make progressive 5% progressive changes to the type / category of food that you're eating to see massive positive changes to your body. 

Here's how to maxise your metabolism by eating right. No real effort needed!

Learn the types of food that you can / should consume to accelerate fat loss without the need to cut back your favourite food altogether. 

Sugar Is Enemy #2

Learn how detrimental sugar can be to your body. It's a simple and scary thing that they can do to you, and to know this is extremely important if we want to be lose the inches in our tummy.

Method C – Cut Back Calories Smartly 3 Lessons

The way to reduce intake successfully to stop fat from accumulating

Eating less to lose weight is what many of us have been told to do if we want to lose fat. However, this is hard for many of us to maintain over the long term, especially if we want to look for quick fixes. If we eat too little calories in a day, out bodies may switch on starvation mode that lowers down our energy levels. Learn how to cut back calories effectively if you choose to go down this road to fat loss. 

Using data as your compass to fat loss

Learn how to reduce your calories by a few percentages per week that creates lasting changes to your body and habits. 

How to CONQUER the ability to eat less and move more

Learn and be smart about cutting back food as we look at the FACTORS that affect both caloric intake and caloric expenditure. We need to know these, otherwise how can we be successful in cutting back calories, right?


Structured Workouts 9 Lessons

#csMovement Introduction – Exercise Smartly, Increase Your Metabolism so You Will burn more fat while resting

The difference between structured and non-structured exercises. Learn how to get leaner by incorporating these in your lifestyle, in a progressive manner.

Strategic Workout Planning

Mix and match - from resistance training, high intensity interval training to flexibility training. What's the best way to structure your workouts?


Learn how to know how much intensity your workouts should be to maximise your time and achieve maximum results. No equipment needed! 

FITT and Frequency

FITT is the foundation of the making of our training plans. We can keep it simple by creating this plan in our heads, or go depth and spell out the details. In this section, we explore the frequency of sessions we should do to make our physical activity program a success. 


We don't need to workout more than an hour a day to lose fat. In fact, research show that if our workout program is good, we just need 30 to 45 minutes per session. For those who are busy, learn how you can make a 10 


Find out what's the best type of workouts you should do to burn most fat 1) when you're 

DOMS (Delayed Onset Of Muscle Soreness)

DOMS happen. Learn why and how to reduce muscle soreness after workouts. 

Progress and Regress!

Step by step, non-rushing method is key to our success in fat loss. There's no need to make drastic changes to your life to attain a flatter tummy.

How to plan and execute your workouts successfully

There are many challenges that may come our way when we want (and plan to do our workouts). Learn how to strategize and choose the best time, exercises (that you love) that will work with you (not against you) that'll help you achieve your goals.

Method X - Weight Training 4 Lessons

Weight Training – Lift, pull, push, rotate, hinge!

Arguably the fastest way to raise our metabolism - 'tone up' by building quality muscles. Learn how to have a leaner body that makes you look more like a fitness model as you get deeper into your program, easily.

Utilising the cable machine for a whole body workout

Many condos and gyms have a cable machine. Here are about 10 exercises that will work your whole body.

Everywhere Else - Bodyweight Training - The Famous Five Exercises. IMPORTANT Regression and Progression for Success.

We can get very fit with just a few bodyweight exercises. Learn and perform the 'Famous five' exercises - squats, lunges, push ups, plank and crunches safely/effectively.

Overcoming gym intimidation

If you're someone who'd feel intimidated to workout at the gym, here are some things you can do to reduce and eliminate the fear of training with weights at the gym.

Note: This is a supplementary section to the course.

Method Y – High Intensity Interval Training (Functional) 2 Lessons

Method Y – Low vs high intensity exercises - which is better for fat loss?

Low vs high intensity workouts for fat loss - which is better? This little piece of information is important for busy individuals and for those who have been walking/jogging but 1) have not seen much changes or 2) have reached a plateau.

Using the famous 5 exercises for fat loss

We can get very fit with just a few bodyweight exercises. Learn and perform the 'Famous five' exercises - squats, lunges, push ups, plank and crunches safely/effectively.

Method Z - Cardio and NEAT 1 Lesson

Incidental Physical Activity

Learn how to burn fat 'automatically' doing everyday tasks. If you so wish to, up the ante and do long, slow, distance workouts that burns many calories while you're doing your workouts.


Rest and Recovey 2 Lessons

Sleep well to reduce your cortisol levels

Studies show that having good, quality, sleep helps us control our cravings better, tweak our hormones to burn fat faster and

21 Science-based strategies to help you Sleep well naturally

Here's some simple, scientifically researched things you can do to help you improve your sleep. 

Supplementary information via infographics.


Use coffee to help us feel more satiated between meals!

How to use coffee to help you lose weight/fat? Aaaaaandd.... UNBOXING OF NESPRESSO! Just a simple video of unboxing my latest purchase of Nespresso coffee. As usual, I digress here and there haha.. here are some things I talk about in this video. Unsponsored. 1) What is fake coffee? 2) Types and names of Nespresso coffee(s) 3) Cheaper to buy in Europe? 4) Stop taking processed meal replacement (I just have to slot this in lol) 5) When should we stop drinking coffee if we can't sleep at night? 6) How can we use coffee to control our hunger and cravings? 7) How coffee can change our hormone levels? 8) Can decaf coffee help in managing our hormone levels? 9) What's the difference between Robusta and Arabica beans? 10) How much does Nespresso cost in Singapore? 

15 Lessons

Extremely important video resources (Supplementary)

Which is healthier, the rice or wheat?

You gotta be 'hungry' in order to succeed - Fuel your Motivation

You have to stand up to that voice. You have to sell yourself everyday your goals that you want to reach. Until it manifests itself.

Become the best version of yourself. It's about building your body. Resource.

Lifting weights helps people reach the best version of themselves through understanding the relationship between mental and physical fitness, recognizing self-reflection as a success driving attitude and learning that failure is a necessary step towards success.

IF: Transformational Technique

Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines

Can a person be "cured" of Type 2 Diabetes? Dr. Sarah Hallberg provides compelling evidence that it can, and the solution is simpler than you might think.

How to Lose 50 Pounds and Keep Them Off

Explore the complex biology behind weight loss and regain, and why obesity should be managed as a chronic disease rather than as a personal failure.

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

Learn why we procrastinate and how we can win the battles of putting things off to the last minute.

Everything Wrong With Subway

Healthy? Hidden junk.

How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals | Lose that belly!

Learn how small steps and habits can help you achieve your goals.

5 Major Causes of WOMEN’S Stomach Fat

5 Major Causes of WOMEN'S Stomach Fat

HOW to quit Sugar & Unhealthy Habits

Diet and health has always been a big topic as of recently, especially with the number of overweight and obese people with diabetes increasing. While there is a bit of a fight between low carb and high carb, the thing that deserves the most attention is quitting sugar, as cutting out refined sugars and processed foods is the most sure-fire way to improving health and regulating weight. The mindset and approach of really understanding how and why bad habits like this develop can be applied to all sorts of things (stop smoking etc )

Top 10 Ways Sugar Addiction Actually Destroys Your Brain and Makes You Fat & Senile

Top 10 Ways Sugar Addiction Actually Destroys Your Brain and Makes You Fat & Senile. Your sugar addiction is doing more harm to you than you thought. Why is sugar bad for you?

How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals

Learn how small steps and habits can help you achieve your goals. Improve your decision success rate. Pull some of those ambitious dreams that you have for yourself off the book shelf and start pursuing them.
