Learn How to Manage Weight Without a Personal Trainer

Being a personal trainer in Singapore, I’m booked most of the time – I’m limited to only a number of clients a day, and because of this, I created SingaporeWMU.com (Singapore Weight Management University) – so that I can help more people with regards to health. I’ve written a few ebooks on this, but for this project, I wanted videos.

For hundreds of years, education has always been all about books. It’s the same here in Singapore, where adults and children associate reading with learning. If you really want to learn, then you attend formal classes, listen to the teacher, take notes and then do your homework.

Today though it’s generally understood that if you really want to learn—if you are determined enough, that is—then you can just go online. No, you don’t need to read massive blocks of text. Actually, you can simply watch videos. I understand that not everyone can afford the time, money or both for a personal trainer but are still determined to lose weight. So if your goal is to be healthy, then that means you need to pay attention to weight management online lessons and videos.

Here are the benefits of learning through educational videos:

  1. It’s very convenient. With actual lessons taught inside a classroom, you have to go to a physical location. You need to plan your day to accommodate this class on your schedule. But now with online learning, you can be anywhere. These videos can be watched on any platform including smartphones and tablets, so that means you can be on a train and watch them conveniently on your mobile phone. It’s like having a personal trainer or nutritionist with you all the time!
  2. You set your own time. Some people are most productive or attentive in the mornings, while others are night owls. Either way, you can play these videos any time you want. You can watch them while you’re eating, or when you’re in the bathroom. That’s the inherent advantage of videos over classroom lectures.
  3. You can review and replay lessons. Since these are weight management online videos, you can pause it anytime, and you can resume at any time as well. You can even go back a few minutes and replay in case you missed something. You can play these videos multiple times until the lessons sink in.
  4. It’s very economical. While you do have to pay for these video lessons, you still save money in the long run. How much do you spend when you go to a classroom? You need good clothes, and then you have to spend money for gas. You are spared all that by watching these weight management online videos in your pajamas at home.
  5. Videos are interesting. For many of us, nothing’s more boring than massive amounts of text. Why do you think YouTube gets so many unique visitors each day? There’s not really all that many websites with articles that generate millions of views, unlike the videos on YouTube. Then there are the other sites with other kinds of videos, who have their own massive followings.

Videos are by definition much more eye catching. They move. You can put images and illustrations on text to ease up on the monotony, but it really doesn’t compare. With videos, you are more interested, and that means you are more likely to learn and understand.

  1. They’re comprehensive. The videos can actually cover anything. Case in point, it’s well understood by many people that videos are the best ways to demonstrate a process. No “how to” article can be clearer than a “how to” video.

For example, find any article on how to do a particular exercise, such as a pushup. The article can describe how you need to position yourself and how to move, but a video can demonstrate the proper way to do it. With the video, you immediately know when you are doing it correctly.

  1. You’re helping the environment. It’s all part of the green movement, did that ever occur to you? With educational videos, you don’t need printed books and that saves a lot of trees. And if you don’t use your car to go to school, then you save the air from the noxious fumes your car produces every time the engine is running.
  2. Videos have sound. You can make a book more engaging with nice illustrations, but you won’t get sound effects. The right music can emphasize what’s on the screen. And if you like listening to a great speaker, then the video voice overs can provide you with the stimulating info you need.

So if you are trying to learn how to lose weight, it’s time to check out these weight management online tools and videos. It’s one of the most effective ways for you to manage your weight 🙂

Do check out www.SingaporeWMU.com 🙂 I’m sure you’ll love it.

Coach Sharm, MSc


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