Don’t Know Anything About Nutrition or Training – Coach Sharm

Don’t Know Anything About Nutrition or Training

You want to lose weight so bad but you're confused where to begin.

๐Ÿ‘‰ You feel that you need to absorb all information first so you can be effective in losing weight
๐Ÿ‘‰ You try to learn whenever possible but because you're a busy parent, you seldom find free time to do so
๐Ÿ‘‰ You feel discouraged whenever you make mistakes, thinking YOU CANNOT MAKE mistake, therefore demotivating yourself further.
๐Ÿ‘‰ You tell yourself you don't have enough time to learn everything
๐Ÿ‘‰ You succumb into a corner feeling like a loser in this battle
๐Ÿ‘‰ You lose the focus, your health deteriorating, your family relationships disintegrating.
๐Ÿ‘‰ And yet you don't take any futher action because you just can't find the time to learn everything from nutrition to training

It's not your fault. You see ads everywhere promising you the same results in x days. You may get the quick fixes but you find that you just return to your big fat belly as fast as you lost that weight. You have a very busy schedule, balancing work and family time. You've already done countless weight loss programs and read so many information on the web but nothing seems to work despite how hard you try. You're overloaded with so much information. Your environment does not work in your favor, You lack support from your friends and family.

I know how hard it is to find time to learn about proper nutrition and training.

When you're already so busy with work and family duties.
โ€‹Even traditions and special occasions get in the way of you achieving that perfect body. With me, you only need 10 minutes a day, in order to start losing weight. As long as you can commit for less than an hour a week, you'll be able to get back the body you once had 10 or 20 years ago.

So you be 100% you, and so you can be 101% for your family too. 
โ€‹Ultimately, as a parent, remember that you are doing this for your kids.

You don't want them to grow up feeling like they've got workaholic parents when you could have done something NOW.

See the smiles on their faces as they grow up and be one of the reasons for those laughter. They might want to be with their friends at a certain time of their lives but with a family who have healthy parent-kids relationships from when they were young, the bond remains stronger.

5, 10, or 20 years from now, be the parent your teen or adult children can still rely on. Jjust like when they were younger, IF you have a healthy mind and body. 

I have created 4-day Challenge for parents like you. Itโ€™s free.
โ€‹So hop over to the next page, and learn the methods how my parent clients are using 10 Minutes a day to help themselves - to embark on their journey to a flatter belly, higher energy, and confidence levels.

If you click on the link and join the challenge, youโ€™ll start to move from being upset, depressed and frustrated of their big stomachs to being happy, excited and proud of your strong body.

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