VIP Body Thrive Project Onboarding Process
Congratulations on making the right decision to joining the VIP!
This program is called the VIP Body Thrive Project for two reasons:
A) You are your own VIP: Very Important Person—this happens when you told me that you are committed. So do know that you are a VIP to yourself and your loved ones. And because of this, you'll now prioritise YOU and your health first, over anything else. You put yourself first.
B) You're my VIP client as long as you're in this program.
When you do this, you will look better, feel better, have more energy, have greater clarity of mind and better cognitive functions. This will enable you to perform better at work and be present 100% for your loved one when you're with your family.
There are systems in place to help both you and me, to push for consistency, inspiration and motivation.
This chatgroup is your VIP JOURNAL. This is where you send photos of food and all other updates, and get feedback from us. For coaching questions, please send them to the VIP Community Group.
There are others from my team in this chat group (aka VIP Journal), and we're all here to help you.
Dateline: 5 days max.
Heads up: DO NOT BE OVERWHELMED 😉 Take one task at a time.
1) Please watch this video on onboarding before proceeding with the other tasks:
2) Enter your personal particulars here
3) Please request to 'join' this group 🙂 It's our new 'home' For my VIPs only!
Then click on Notifications - ALL POSTS after you get access to it
(1, 2, 3 and 4) is easy: 8 minutes. Let’s do it now!
4) Subscribe to the BODY THRIVE PROJECT MESSENGER. We'll be using this to communicate with you, to remind you, to nudge you, to coach you. Click here, and read on:
(Please DO NOT SHARE this link with others.
5) Complete Procoach Questionnaire via email (check mailbox) by 48 hours’ time.
All questions pertaining to coaching and admin in the VIP, please ask in the VIP chatgroup (not individual, private messages).
If you need admin help, please ask CLINT.
If you need help with your Fat Loss Path, please ask APRIL.
All coaching questions that is not personal, please ask in the VIP Community Group or Our VIP Facebook Group.
6) Sign up learning platform access: Use this special link to register (don't share!)
7) Send all food and drinks photos to this VIP JOURNAL - we use this for reflection and analysis.
8) Take progress photos today - minimal clothes - front, back, sides. Don’t send, don’t post. It's for you. Take again every 2 weeks.
9) Bookmark your VIP Success Guide (and Bookmark!). This is the VIP IP. This is your path.
10) IMPORTANT: Watch the video on Levels and World View:
Please connect with in your VIP Journal again after all steps above are done and we'll proceed to the next mission
90 days start! Let's do this!
Coach Sharm and The Body Thrive Project Team
Only Proceed to Mission 2 after completing all the Steps from Mission 1
Do not rush through Mission 1, you are Only expected to start Mission 2 in 5 days time
Please read E-V-E-R-Y W-O-R-D
The goal of our VIP program is to empower you with the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities to lose body fat, get healthier and fitter.
And with this, you will lose the unhealthy weight that you have, even beyond 90 days.
Not everyone can be accepted into the VIP, and that is one reason why you don't see many people accepted into the VIP, even though they want to.
I've turned away many people.
It's because the number one criteria is:
YOU MUST BE 10/10 COMMITTED to lose fat and get healthier.
And if you're here, you've told me that you're committed.
Being committed means putting yourself as a priority - and that you will do the work so that you will get the skills to lose weight and sustain it.
You will not be able to lose weight and acquire the skills to burn fat if you don't do the work.
It's as simple as that.
As you've already mentioned that you're committed, please don't expect to be pulled or carried to move along the path.
I have provided the path. You will need to walk the path.
I will hold your hand and direct you in the right direction, but if you don't want to walk, nobody cant force you. Nobody can.
Many people expect to be saved.
Nobody can save you, except you.
Even if you are 'saved' and you lose 20 kgs in this 90 days without getting knowledge and honing your skills that can sustain your weight loss, what's going to happen beyond 90 days if you choose to leave the VIP?
You will need to work on your skills now in these 90-days, so you will thrive even beyond 10,000 days after today.
You need to do the work.
Put in the effort.
Get 1% better every day.
Do you want your body to burn fat daily?
Then this is what you need to do DAILY
1) Ditch ALL excuses
2) Refer to your success guide and find the work that you need to do for that day
3) Watch the coaching videos
4) Do the practise tasks that I ask you to do
5) Do the exercises that I've prescribed for you (modify according to your ability) - minimum of 10 minutes!
6) Update your VIP JOURNAL before anything edible enters your mouth (min first 2 weeks)
7) Update your VIP JOURNAL your 3-2-1s
8) Move towards compliance to VIP principles 100% in 30 days.
Do everything p|progressively, but don't take too long - USE YOUR DASHBOARD to plan ahead and set your targets.
If you fail or don't want to make time and effort to do them, it's simply this - you're not really committed (but you said you're committed at the start). And if you're not committed, don't expect the weight to come off automatically.
But if you do the work diligently, doing the work at 1% better daily, at the end of 90 days, you will get all the scientific fat loss knowledge that you need, practised your skill to lose fat and (polished them over and over again) and create the environments that will make you able to lose weight.
And with the Knowledge, Skills and Abilities that you've attained - your body will thrive with a lower percentage of fat and a MUCH higher level of fitness.
Do the work, see the results.