Science-Based Knowledge

Fat Loss Methods

8 Chapters 35 Lessons None

About this course

To slim down, you have to alter your energy balance. There are simply 2 ways to accomplish this: Either take in less calories or expend more energy through physical exercise.The easiest way to boil down your consumption is merely to cut back on the size of your meals and/or the total of high-calorie food you eat. This doesn’t mean that you have to give up any certain food.Bear in mind that there’s more to a beautiful body than just utilizing effective wellness products. You need to be on a total preventative healthcare and wellness program that involves diet, nutrition (making a point that your body gets the proper nutrients) and exercise.Optimum body functions today require any added help it can get, as most people don’t take the trouble to consume food that are healthy and beneficial to them. Therefore there is a need to make a conscious effort to source out essential vitamin types of food and include them into the daily diet plan for hoped good health conditions.

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Course Structure


What makes us fat? 6 Lessons

Introduction: Why are you fat?

You might be wondering why people out there are having a nice summer body with full confidence while you are still struggling with your recent-up-sized t-shirt. You might even be wondering, are you going to be like them one day? Is there any chance for you to change? Of course there is. However, summer body doesn’t come with ease. Many work their butt off to attain their dream body.

Fat Facts

Fat is made up of building blocks called fatty acids and these are classified as saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated depending on their chemical structure. Fat is essential to human life, we all need fat in our diets.

Good Fats VS Bad Fats

We are constantly being told that “ Fats are bad ”, and many will spend lots of time and money to completely rid their diet of fat. The truth is, we need fats.Fats help in nerve transmission, nutrient absorption, maintaining cell membrane integrity etc. Simply said, fat is actually necessary for you to lose weight. However, when consumed in excess amount, it can increase your risk for a number of health threats. The key is to replace bad fats with good fats in our diet.

Strategizing Your Diet

It’s time to learn how to design your own diet to shed those extra pounds. Creating a weight loss diet that caters your own preferences is the golden rule to a successful diet plan.Don’t go for an extreme diet plan just because you’re desperate for a drastic change in your weight – it’s unrealistic and you rarely get to your goal. 

The Elusive ‘Secret’ To Feeling Fuller, Longer

Calorie density refers to the number of calories per gram of food. It is the simplest approach to healthful eating and lifelong weight management. Food that are HIGH in calorie density contain a high number of calories per gram;food that are LOW in calorie density contain a low number of calories per gram. Calorie density is the key to feel full without overeating.


Fat Burn Mindset 6 Lessons

If Your Body Is A Car, Your Mind Is The Engine

Your mindset drives your body, it fuels your will and determination to work towards your goal. It can be difficult to achieve and maintain your ideal body shape and weight. It takes more than just healthy eating and regular exercise.A positive and motivated mindset is essential to keep you going. If you tell yourself negative things – “This is so hard, I can’t do this.” – You’re not going to make it far.

To Successfully Shed Fat, First Shed Your Negative Thinking!

Research shows that one of the many important factors that influence weight loss is your attitude – whether or not you believe you can do it and if it is worth doing. It’s a simple theory – what you think will affect how you feel, and in turn the actions you take.

How To Eat Like A Celebrity (And Not Get Fat!)

When you see photos of Rihanna’s slim but glamorous silhouette or Jessica alba’s flat post-pregnancy tummy, you probably wondered how celebrities stay so lean or how do they always manage to snap back into shape in a blink of eye.

Tips From Celebrity Trainers

1. Celebrities eat breakfast.
2. They pick their veggies.
3. They snack.
4. They don’t stop drinking.

3 Famous Celebrity Diet Plans

The 5-Factor Diet
The Zone Diet
Star Diet Mantras And Tricks


Ways To Incinerate Fat 6 Lessons

Cardio Workout

The word “cardio” is short for “cardiovascular”. Cardio workout is endurance exercise that strengthens the circulatory system consisting of the heart and blood vessels in your body. People “do cardio” over long stretches of time as it makes the heart beat faster and pumps more blood through your system,bringing nutrients and oxygen to every cell.

Low-Intensity (LI) or High-Intensity (HI)?

The short answer is that the best type of cardio, whether low or high intensity, is the one you will do consistently over time.

The Advantages

Low Intensity Cardio
​High Intensity Interval Cardio

The Killer Cardio Plan

Using the below workout schedule as a framework, you can easily add in any cardio exercise that falls into the corresponding workout style.


Yo-Yo Effect 4 Lessons

What’s Yo-Yo Effect?

Have you seen some weight loss TV programme where some contestants lose a big amount of weight only to gain it back almost right away? Ever wondered how and why did that happen?

The Causes

1. Too difficult diets
2. Over-exertive exercises
3. Unbalanced diet
4. Extreme dieting

Fight Yo-Yo Effect!

There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious and eager to achieve your ideal weight. Having the desire and the drive to meet your goal is half the battle in getting there.


Fat Burn Easy Yoga Practice 4 Lessons

The Benefits

Yoga is an ancient Indian philosophy that dates back thousands of years. It was designed as a path to spiritual enlightenment, but in modern times, the physical aspects of Hatha yoga have found huge popularity as a gentle form of exercise and stress management.

Tips For Yoga Practice

#Side Effects And Risk
#Things To Consider When You Decided To Practice Yoga
#Training, Licensing And Certification

Yoga Moves For Beginner

#Warrior Pose
#Tree Pose
#Triangle Pose
#Seated Twist
#Upward Facing Dog
#Pigeon Pose
#Crow Pose
#Child’s Pose


List Of Fat pumping Foods To Avoid 2 Lessons


Fat Burn Supplement & Detox Plan 3 Lessons


How To Get Rid Of Love Handles 4 Lessons


#Crunches On Exercise Ball
#Pilates 100s
#Bicycle Crunches
#Twisting Side Plank
#Russian Twist
#Hanging Ab Curls


#Leg Raises
#Knees In
#Toe Touchers

Wrapping Up

To slim down, you have to alter your energy balance. There are simply 2 ways to accomplish this: Either take in less calories or expend more energy through physical exercise.
